Where do you feel we are today as a nation? America is still experiencing tough times and we still need more jobs. Are you
A. Part of the Ticked Off People
B. Optimistic we are on the right track
C. Feels there is no hope
D. Blame the current Congress and Administration
A. Part of the Ticked Off People
B. Optimistic we are on the right track
C. Feels there is no hope
D. Blame the current Congress and Administration
Comment away my good people!!
Boy, I hate to say it but I have to go with no hope… I’m not negative but logically thinking that how could there b enough jobs for the people who need them? A lot of kids get out of college with a piece of paper that they think will get them a job and even in the best of circumstances, how could there possibly b enough jobs when there’s outsourcing and more and more machines doing the jobs?